When two captivating souls meet they subdue each other as seen in the stunning sensual photo shoot which features Top model and stylist Nana Kwasi Wiafe and Michaela Coel, British award winning actress, screenwriter and creator of Netflix series ‘Chewing Gum’ as they display a powerful sense of emotion and passion in these photos, with great style, class and edginess.
Michaela Coel was dressed in a white cozy one piece suit while Nana Kwasi Wiafe was dressed down in a casual white pant and an unbuttoned white dress shirt. His look was completed with a gold colored bead-like necklace worn to the perfect level of softness all chosen by stylist @thouartkwasi.
Their comfort and ease are evident in every beautiful shot.
Models : Nana Kwasi Wiafe & Michaela Coel
Photography: Lightningpathways
Styled by : @thouartkwasi
Production/direction: Nana Kwasi Wiafe