TheĀ  fight against HIV must continue. In as much as most people are on the guard about HIV/AIDS, the rate at which people are dying from AIDS is rather increasing.

Despite all the advancement made to prevent people living with HIV from getting AIDS, most people still have wrong information about HIV/AIDS. Due to that, these are some important facts about HIV/AIDS below you need to get updated with.

1.There are people living with HIV who do not look sick because it takes up to two to ten years for the virus to develop to AIDS. And that is when the person shows symptoms of the disease which is AIDS.

.2. HIV can be treated with Anti retroviral tablets (ART). People who undergo treatment live a normal life just like people who do not have HIV.

3.To ensure you do not contract HIV, you must test for it every three months. Use condom anytime you have sex with people who you are not aware of their status.

4.People living with HIV and undergoing treatment can have a family without transferring the virus to their children or their partners who are not positive.

5.Prep can be taken to protect yourself from HIV before sexual intercourse. Pep can be take within 72 hours if you are exposed to HIV by accident or raped.

6.Avoid using drugs or taking alcohol before sex. People who use drugs and take alcohol are more likely to contract HIV than people who do not.

7. HIV can not be contracted by touching or sharing utensils, washroom, bus or furniture with people who have it. Do not draw away from people you know living with it. Stigmatization do not help in any way.

These are basic information about HIV/AIDS you must know to protect yourself and loves ones.

Remember, HIV is only deadly if you do not know your status. So get tested now!

Author: Titus Doku

Fashion lover, content creator and I enjoy reading.  

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